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Alain Machado

What is Aggregate Rating Schema?

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

an image showing someone giving a 5 star rating review.

If you've ever searched for a product or service online, you've probably seen star ratings next to search results. These ratings are generated by aggregate rating schema. But what is it, and how does it work? In this article, we'll explain what aggregate rating schema is, and how it can help your business generate more leads and sales.

If you're involved in digital marketing, chances are you've heard of schema markup. schema markup is code that you can add to your website to help search engines understand your content better. One type of schema markup is aggregate rating schema, which can be used to display star ratings in Google search results.

Aggregate rating schema is a type of schema markup that is used to display star ratings in Google search results. Google uses this information to generate rich snippets, which are short descriptions that appear beneath a website's title and URL in search results. Rich snippets can improve your click-through rate (CTR) because they make your listing more eye-catching and informative.

How Does Aggregate Rating Schema Work?

When you use aggregate rating schema on your website, you're effectively giving Google permission to display star ratings in your search listing. Google will then read the code on your page and determine whether or not to display the ratings. It's important to note that you cannot control whether or not Google displays the ratings; it's up to Google's algorithm.

To add aggregate rating schema to your website, you'll need to edit the code on your pages. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, you can hire a developer to do it for you. Once the code has been added, you'll need to wait for Google to crawl your site and update its listings. This process can take a few weeks.

How does Aggregate Rating Schema look on search engines?

As seen with the image below, Google is able to generate star ratings for your search listing.

An image showing an example of aggregate rating schema being applied on search engines.

Your search result will include a description of the product or service you offer, followed by an aggregate rating. The rating will be shown in stars, with the number of reviews that were used to generate the rating appearing next to it. This information is pulled from customer reviews on your website or other websites, such as Yelp or TripAdvisor.

In addition to improving search engine visibility and CTR, aggregate rating schema can also help your business establish trust with customers. By displaying star ratings in search results, you're demonstrating that your products and services have been reviewed by real people and are of high quality. This can go a long way in helping to convert search engine visitors into customers.

Does Aggregate Rating Schema Have Any drawbacks?

One potential drawback of aggregate rating schema is that it only works if you have reviews from multiple sites. If all of your reviews are on one site (e.g., Yelp), Google will not be able to generate rich snippets for your listings.

Another potential drawback is that Google may not always display the ratings even if you have added the code to your site. As we mentioned earlier, it's up to Google's algorithm whether or not to show the ratings.

How can I apply Aggregate Rating Schema to my website?

Depending on what CMS you use, applying aggregate rating schema to your website may be relatively straightforward. If you use WordPress, for example, there are several plugins available that allow you to add the code with just a few clicks. If you have a custom CMS or website, you'll need to hire a developer to apply the code for you.

There are online JSON-LD tools available to generate the code for you, but it's always best to let a professional handle this type of task.

How can I test my Aggregate Rating Schema?

An image showing Google's rich results tester

Google has an online tool which allows you to test your aggregate rating schema code. Just head over to Google's Structured Data Testing Tool, enter the URL of the page containing your code and click 'Run Test'. If all goes well, you should see a preview of how your search listing will look.

What if my Aggregate Rating Schema test comes out with issues?

If the test comes back with issues, you'll need to fix them before Google will be able to display star ratings in search results. The Structured Data Testing Tool will offer suggestions on how to fix the errors, but again, it's best to get a professional developer to help you out.

Reach out to a developer or our team as we can help you set up and test your aggregate rating schema to make sure search engines are seeing the best version of your site. With the right implementation, you'll be able to get more customers and boost search engine visibility for your business.

Is Aggregate Rating Schema a ranking factor?

The simple answer is yes, aggregate rating schema can help to improve search rankings. It's important to remember, however, that search engine algorithms are constantly changing and the impact of Aggregate Rating Schema on search rankings is likely to vary over time.

While it certainly won't hurt your search rankings to take advantage of this feature, in the end it's all about providing a great customer experience. If you focus on providing great customer service and useful, relevant content, search engines like Google will reward you with higher search rankings.

We have seen that Aggregate Rating Schema usually applies to certain industries such as hospitality and retail, but it can be applied to any industry. It's a great way to increase search engine visibility and customer trust. With the right implementation, you'll be able to make your search results stand out from the competition.

Where does Aggregate Rating Schema get its rating data from?

Aggregate Rating Schema pulls its rating data from customer reviews and ratings across the web. This means that search engines can get an overall picture of your products, services and customer satisfaction through this feature.

The more customer reviews you have, the better chance you have of getting a higher aggregate rating. It is important to ensure that these reviews are authentic as search engines take this into account when deciding which search results to display.

We suggest monitoring and using your own Google my business listing and its 5-star reviews section to apply Aggregate Rating Schema to your search engine listings.

After all, Google's search engine will work well with its own desired customer reviews.

What are the benefits of using Aggregate Rating Schema?

Aggregate Rating Schema is a search engine feature that can help to improve search visibility and customer trust. It's a great way to make your search results stand out from the competition by displaying star ratings in search results.

Search engines like Google are constantly looking for ways to provide more relevant search results and customers appreciate search listings that display star ratings. This search engine feature provides customers with a better indication of the quality of your products and services, helping them to make more informed decisions when searching for what they need.

Here is a breakdown of the biggest benefits of using Aggregate Rating Schema:

  • Increased search engine visibility

  • Improved customer trust

  • More informed search decisions

  • Stand out from the competition

How long will it take to start seeing Aggregate Rating Schema on my website appear on search engines?

It usually takes search engines a few weeks to start displaying your Aggregate Rating Schema in search results. It's important to note that search engine algorithms are constantly changing, so it's likely the impact of this search engine feature on search rankings may vary over time.


Schema markup is an important tool for digital marketers because it helps search engines understand their content better. One type of schema markup is aggregate rating schema, which can be used to display star ratings in Google search results. In this article, we explained what aggregate rating schema is and how it works.

We also discussed some potential drawbacks of using this type of schema markup on your website.

Need Help Setting up your Aggregate Rating Schema?

We can help implement Aggregate Rating Schema to your website to help boost its organic position. Simply book a free consultation below.


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